
Tibet Notes: Your Health

Tibet Notes: Altitude sickness varies, not on the plateau is difficult to predict before. The weak reaction of the body may not be large, physically robust person may not respond. Each person's response forms also vary. Under normal circumstances, the Thin Man better than fat people, women better than men, short man better than a tall, young and old who are good at.

After entering the plateau from the plains, the body's regulatory changes occur mainly in the following aspects:

(1). Pulse (heart rate) Frequency: plain normal pulse is 72 beats / min, pulse can be increased when early plateau 80 to 90 beats / min, individuals up to 100 times / min, after a period of residence, can be restored.

(2). Respiratory: Respiratory mild hypoxia, the first performance of the breathing deepened to speed, increased respiratory rate with hypoxia and further speed up, people feel chest tightness, shortness of breath to stay. Adapt, it will gradually revert to its original level.

(3). Blood pressure: normal systolic blood pressure of 110 plains 120 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure 80 mm Hg Weihuzuochang 0. Early access to the plateau, due to the role of vascular receptors and body fluids, etc., making the skin, abdominal organs such as vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, thus ensuring the coronary artery, cerebral vascular blood supply. Adaptations will be back to normal.

(4). Nervous system: central nervous system, especially the brain is extremely sensitive to hypoxia. Mild hypoxia, enhanced excitability of the nervous system, such as emotional stress, irritability, etc., followed by headache, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc. After the move to higher altitudes by the euphoria to inhibit the process, the performance of lethargy, confusion about desert, unresponsive. A few severe cases, loss of consciousness or coma, if transferred to normal after the lowlands.

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