
Hong Kong Visitors in Huangshan

Huangshan Tourism Committee, according to the relevant person in charge, because the early summer of Huangshan City, efforts to promote greater tourism products, results appear gradually. The tourist train is the Huangshan City in recent years by the Pearl River Delta region's first trip off the tourist train, will further promote the Huangshan city in the Pearl River Delta region's tourism market development.

"Now is the summer season, visitors to a good evaluation of routing in the next three months, we will organize three times in succession the tourist train." Tourist train to Huangshan organize the Huayuan International Travel Tsinghua University, said head of the sand. The tourist train will stay two days in Huangshan, visitors will visit the Huangshan Scenic Area, Xidi, Huashanmiku and Jadeite and other tourist attractions.

Huangshan tourism market order to further increase the development of summer, early July in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Shunde, Guangzhou and other major efforts to carry out a tourism "Three" marketing, a comprehensive development in remote markets, marketing ideas, vigorously promote summer tourism , plan, organize marketing activities, the use of tourism marketing incentives to promote enterprise docking market, stimulate local travel agents publicize and promote the Huangshan tourism products.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China 

