
Hong Kong Ocean Park Tour

The first day: at 22:00 on September 30th than I have and LG bus ride from Xiamen, almost 8 hours sleep to go. 6:30 Bridge Club to reach the bus station, bus station 7:00 start selling tickets, spent 220RMB * 2 tickets to buy two return journey ~ ~ no worries enjoy the rest of the money lost it. . . To pass the time may be relatively early, so there is no other formalities directly passed on, and did not check my temperature and luggage, is filled Zhang Jiankang table, a little confused, check the plane will be quite strict. .HK tours . But still very happy so smoothly.
By a relative indication of the route the bus ride to reach the Tung Chung (Hong Kong does not read this yong, read chong, such a situation there are many), a distant relative who lives in Hong Kong the majority of people living here are low-rent housing, location of more partial, although travel time is wasted each day more, but save hotel bills and some meals that I was very satisfied.
Then the afternoon is the rest friends, relatives took us to see fireworks at night, Hong Kong to celebrate "11" National Day release, and is said to have spent millions of dollars, many people waiting to see on the Avenue of Stars, and the police over an hour in advance blocked the road, that is to control the number of people, we visited the Avenue of the way first, then sit and wait for three hours dry, boring, surrounded by Cantonese speakers did not understand what to say, but then the fireworks did not let us down, very beautiful, very scene when, after reading ~ ~ ~ see the Disney fireworks again found it very common. The only regret is that the camera is not good enough, as fireworks shot out of the general effect. Of course not everyone can see it happened every year when there is only place in November, eleven to go HK next year if we do not want to miss slightly.
The next day: Ocean Park. Tickets are already bought, bought on , HK travel Taobao, where advertising is not recommended shops in order to avoid suspicion, just look at reputable stores generally not a problem, anyway, then you can play the first payment, it is more reassuring, and will be much cheaper. Disney's original 350, we buy the 265, Madame original 150, we bought 75. Ocean Park 208 original price, we buy 165, the store that the price will often tune, so do not feel offended when buying expensive or cheaper.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China.

