
Hong Kong Tours: Hangzhou Jiangbei Tour

Based on 10 area tourist areas (spots) its own characteristics, and strengthen the integration of scenic resources, to organize all kinds of content-rich, distinctive tourist festivals as a means to quickly gather tourist popularity. First, the integration of Family feelings of resources hk tours to organize the "Chinese Family feelings Festival." Fully exploit the contextual resources Cicheng ancient town in 2009 and 2010, Jiangbei District Government for 2 years held in China Family feelings section, has held Ningbo Jiangbei - Taiwan Taoyuan tourism cooperation signing ceremony and one hundred domestic and overseas tourism cooperation activities TSP cicheng "Family feelings - Tzuhu - mercy" three Ci Tourism cooperation and Jiangbei tourism promotion, visitors tour the nations start to experience Family feelings Cicheng trip closer tourism cooperation with Taiwan, to strengthen the tourism product of the three places win-win cooperation, were invited Taiwan and the Yangtze River Delta region to be more than 260 traveling salesman, a comprehensive tourism promotion Jiangbei, Jiangbei greatly improved the visibility and hk travel influence of tourism, has aroused great concern and response, has opened a new chapter in Jiangbei major tourism festivals, was Review the city's "top ten festivals." Second, integration of the old Bund fashion recreational resources, organized by "Saturday • Meet the old Bund." Since 2009, the "week in and week activities, a month, fine," as the theme, a total of 157 games organized activities, more than 400 participating merchants, the audience of more than 40 million people, greatly gather the old Bund district of popularity, wealth, business gas, as a beautiful tourist card Jiangbei, Ningbo city cultural tourism is a major feast, and was rated Ningbo City "features festival" title. Third, integration of folklore resources, hold a series of folk festival theme. Different seasons each year has introduced Ningbo (Jiangbei) urban garden carnival, picking grapes pear bayberry, Cicheng cakes section, Paul Temple Climbing, greater than greater than Tiger and Rabbit, Seafood Festival, Festival of camphor series of folk activities.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China

