
Tour Lhasa Snacks in Chongzhou

From Chongzhou Business Bureau was informed that this year, relying on street of the town, foment painting pool, Wenjing Riverside Road and the F1 water park
lhasa tours, is being built and other cultural landscape, the city's food festival will expand the scale of effort to create a gourmet tour for visitors line, launched the "sub-town parade, product green delicacies" as the theme of Chongzhou town day trips and other activities and cultural projects, the town Chongzhou food culture and customs into the province or country.

According to the Deputy Secretary of Commerce Chongzhou Li Zhi Jian, Chongzhou town rich cultural landscape with many attractions. Chongzhou municipal government will rely on the cultural landscape to create gourmet travel routes. According to him, one station as a starting point to the Sands, opened Chengdu to Chongzhou town street of the town along the tour route, including travel to Chongzhou Jiulonggou beauty and enjoy the street children of classical history and culture of western Sichuan town style. Day trip will also enjoy "Huaiyuan Ruin" Street children and other unique delicacies Chongzhou Sichuan green snacks, full taste of Sichuan  lhasa travel style food. Second, the introduction of "state of food products Shu, Yu hydrophilic city tour", including watching paint foment pool, swim Wenjing Riverside Road, wind and rain bridges, etc., and will enjoy Yangma Zhazhamian, Church Chongzhou features chicken pieces, etc. snacks, taste won the "Golden spoon" award winning Lotus Pickle Pot and other well-known dishes. Li Zhi Jian, told reporters last October, F1 powerboat competition in Chongzhou international success, the speed of movement to become the new focus of the general public, Chongzhou F1 is trying to build water park, to build a hydrophilic Chongzhou city.

Li Zhijian, said Chongzhou cuisine based on traditional cuisine continues to introduce new visitors will bring more surprises and quality service.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China 

