
Lhasa Tours: Nanao Island Ocean Tour

Eastern South Australia to build a comprehensive ecosystem around the island resort of the island's development goals, QUICKER bigger island features travel articles, four A-class tourist attractions to create the brand. Last year, to visit the island resort of overseas tourists lhasa tours visiting the county up to five hundred fifty-four thousand six hundred people, the county's total tourism revenue of more than one hundred seventy-four million yuan, two new high record travel history.
South Australia ranked Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan provinces border the sea, is the only island county, Guangdong Province, County and fisheries, as early as the Ming Dynasty to enjoy the "sea base Xiandao," said this has "the South China Sea paradise" reputation. County's unique "sea, mountains, history, temple," the interchange of tourism resources, contemporary tourists longing for the "sun, sea, beach, green, fresh air," the five elements, where everything is superb.
Last year, the South Australian island firmly grasp the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" the first year of opportunity, from the construction of tourist attractions across the island, creating an integrated eco-resort island, starting in the initial investment on the basis of $ 200 million, has spent nearly 20 million yuan, consolidate and develop the creation of national tourist area of four a-level results continue to promote lhasa travel the planning and construction of scenic spots, cultural heritage protection and development and vigorously promote the sustainable development of tourism.
Only in 2006, "51", two National Day Golden Week tourism, fishing tours come here enjoy the fun of South Australia's foreign tourists reached one hundred and twenty-four thousand people, out of the island tourist vehicles to twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy motorcycles, reception of tourists among the class of Guangdong thirty ecological village forefront.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China

