
Hong Kong Travel: Wenzhou Museums

Yesterday from Wenzhou City Cultural Broadcasting Press and Publication Bureau, the Southern Theatre Museum, square-mediated Humphreys Art Gallery, National History Museum of East Ou, Xie Museum and Hall of Fame five major math topics museum feasibility study has been hk tours approved by City Development and Reform Commission . These five thematic museums will be the first half of next year in succession this year to free and open to the public. Southern Theatre Museum located in the urban Xie Chi Lane pool upstairs, covers an area of ​​about 1,700 square meters, set up "display of the history of Southern Opera Show."
Museum located square in the city worthy of referral letter the intersection of Lane Street and Feipeng Chenzhai, covers an area of ​​1026 square meters, the hk travel main opening "side seal display worthy of referral development", "side-mediated worthy paintings on display show" "side-mediated display worthy of Letters exhibition. "Orderly room and seal the first floor showroom is located on the second floor showroom for the painting gallery and Letters.

Dongou National History Museum located in the urban canopy of the first foot of the mountains of Shanxi, an area of ​​2402 square meters, total construction area of ​​1048 after the construction of square meters, set up the "East Ou country's history exhibition." Xie Lingyun camp memorial site in Church Lane econazole urban four banks, covers an area of ​​510 square meters, the main opening, "Xie Lingyun and Wenzhou Memorial Exhibition." Math Hall of Fame located in Wenzhou city Bailu Zhou Gu Chaohao ancestral park, covers an area of ​​844 square meters, total construction area of ​​650 square meters exhibition area is divided into brief history of mathematics in Wenzhou, Ji Wen mathematical celebrity galleries, celebrity temperature nationality mathematics ancestral home of the exhibition, Wen Ji Wen Ji math mathematicians famous statues and video.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China

