
Meishan International Tour Holiday Resort

Peng Shanheng large Splendor is an international tourist resort project in Meishan City, built the largest tourism projects. The project is located in Pengshan Wuyangxiang Lotus Village, close to Chengdu Jinhua, Huanglongxi, Pu Xing and other towns. Plans a total investment of 8.0 billion, the first one to complete the project construction investment 300 million yuan. Land acquisition and demolition work has now successfully completed the first project was a formal approach on August 10 started construction progress.

A, Xiangyang Road (haul channel) Construction: As of now, the construction unit has completed the arable layer of clear road construction table, sand with stone backfill have been completed long 2.2 km wide and 9 meters in the amount of backfill side. Expected to be completed in mid-October the volume of road projects lime layer, transport construction materials to ensure the project area.

Second, the construction of resettlement area: farmers have completed the demolition of the building of settlements planning, design and construction unit of the bidding; settlements field level has been completed, are now piling up line into the homestead. Is expected in mid-September to the construction of resettlement housing construction, the end of November into the municipal building construction.

Third, the construction of the project area: the current first level field of earth and stone construction area has been basically completed, is expected to be completed end of September first, second and all earthwork construction area; October to enter the main works construction; expected by the end of the investment to be completed by the developer to invest 500 billion.

Fourth, Landscape Road construction: road landscape 3.5 km long, 25 meters wide, are in the process project and relevant procedures; involved Xinjin Jinhua Town, Puxingzhen transit section of the geological survey, land acquisition and other matters has been basically agreed upon. Construction is expected to enter the building in mid-September.

Currently the project has invested 240 million yuan to complete the first phase construction in full swing, and comprehensively promote the construction progress. The project is Pengshan further implement the municipal government to speed up tourism industry development, and strive to achieve "Meishan tour three years," a concrete manifestation, will push forward the Pengshan long-term development of tourism industry.For more information, please shift to Vacation in China

